Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring Friends and Family

When you're a business owner you dealing with your customers can be almost as stressful as dealing with friends and family members who want to be involved in your business.  Maybe your best friend wants you to get their teenager a job for the summer, or perhaps your uncle wants to show off his business expertise by helping you manage the company.  Every business owner from Mark Bouri to the owner of the local bar have to deal with their loved ones and their desire to get involved with the business.  If you're concerned about hiring someone ask yourself these following questions, your answers will make the solution much more clear.

How will this person improve my business?

That question sounds like a no-brainer, but it's common for business owners in this position to consider giving their friend or loved one a job simply because they're a friend or loved one.  You should treat your potential employee the same way you would any other job applicant, think about their skills instead of their relation to you.

Can I resolve a conflict easily with this person?

If you're going to be closely involved with someone professionally you need to make sure that you're able to efficiently and peacefully confront and solve problems when they arise.  If you and your friend or family member always seem to be clashing over something, that could be a sign that going into business with them could be a big mistake. 

Can we separate our business lives and our personal lives?

When people give advice about navigating the professional world, someone will always tell them to learn how to leave business at the office and your personal problems at home.  Doing this on your own can be difficult, and when you're working with someone you personally know it becomes a lot more difficult.  If your friend always seems to be ranting about work at BBQs, or spends the work day e-mailing you about a personal problem, they may not be the best choice for a business partner.